Flights tracked per day (last 7 day avg)
+ 2% from last year
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Airports Statistics

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Bu özellik yalnızca Business hesaplarında kullanılabilir.

Zaten bir Business hesabınız varsa, giriş yapabilir veya aşağıdaki Yükselt düğmesini kullanarak abone olabilirsiniz:

Aircraft Class distribution

Busiest City Pairs

Average Daily Movements
Sydney, NSW (SYD/YSSY)19
Melbourne, VIC (MEB/YMEN)4
Wagga Wagga, NSW (WGA/YSWG)
Brisbane, QLD (BNE/YBBN)
Melbourne, VIC (MEL/YMML)
Corowa Airport (CWW/YCOR)
Sydney, NSW (BWU/YSBK)
Melbourne, VIC (MBW/YMMB)
Griffith, NSW (GFF/YGTH)
Canberra, ACT (CBR/YSCB)

Bu özellik yalnızca Business hesaplarında kullanılabilir.

Zaten bir Business hesabınız varsa, giriş yapabilir veya aşağıdaki Yükselt düğmesini kullanarak abone olabilirsiniz:

Note: Aircraft movement is the number of arrivals and departures of aircraft into and out of an airport.
Data compiled from 2024-05-01 to 2024-05-31 and generated at 2024-06-01 09:54 UTC (1 gün önce)

Historical Airport Movement Statistics Flight Activity by Year (7 day AVG)

* Yalnızca ticari abonelikler
Disclaimer: Flight data is compiled from several flight data sources including ADS-B transponders.
AirNav Systems tries to keep it as reliable as possible but gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or the completeness of the information provided.
More data is available for purchase. Please check our AirNav Edge page for customized solutions, On Demand API or contact us.

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